Mobile ticket is a service of the Hradec Králové Public Transport Company (DPmHK, a.s.) and can be used in all means of public transport operated by DPmHK, a.s. A mobile ticket serves as an alternative to a city card and paper tickets. This is a new way of paying fares.
Advantages of Mobile tickets
The ticket can be purchased anytime and anywhere. No need for cash or a ticket machine. All you need to buy a ticket is your mobile phone.
Basic prerequisites for using the Mobile Ticket service on the part of the passenger
Passengers must have a SIM card of one of the Czech mobile operators (Telefónica O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone, U:fon) and a mobile phone with active Premium SMS services. If this service is not active, the Mobile Ticket service will not work.
Anyone can activate the Premium SMS service on their phone for FREE on the customer line of their mobile operator. Then there is nothing to prevent you from using a Mobile Ticket. No special applications are installed on the phone, no adjustment of settings is required.
Ordering a Mobile Ticket - Options
There are 2 ways to order a Mobile ticket:
via SMS
this method is intended for passengers who use the Mobile Ticket only occasionally. It is suitable for visitors to the city for whom registration in the Mobile Ticket system is unnecessary.
the most convenient way to order a Mobile ticket. It is designed for regular and frequent use.
It is entirely up to the passenger which of the ordering methods he chooses. It can use both systems alternately. It is entirely up to him what will suit him more. Although he/she will be registered in the Mobile Ticket system, he/she can also use a classic SMS instead of ringing.