Project title:
Support for vocational training of employees II (POVEZ II).
Project registration number : CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/15_021/0000053
Project implementation period: 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2021
Education of company employees
We followed up on the project "Support for Professional Education of Employees II (POVEZ II)", which we started in 2019. It is focused on the education of employees of Dopravní podnik města Hradce Králové, a.s. from the positions of public transport drivers to top management.
Thanks to this program, which is part of the Operational Programme Employment, some public transport drivers could participate in all-day training of driving skills and basics of road safety in the training polygon at the airport in Hradec Králové. The first 20 DP employees underwent trial training in September 2019. Thanks to the professional individual approach of experienced expert lecturers with many years of practical experience, this was very successful and well evaluated by the drivers themselves. This year, another 40 drivers were trained, always in groups of 20. The training was divided into two parts. In the morning, there was a theory focused on factors influencing the economy of vehicle operation, the use of modern safety systems while driving, increasing the quality of vehicle control, the principles of safe driving, prevention of crisis situations, driver's reaction time, the correct choice of driving speed and safe distance, the basic physical laws of bus movement, the causes of skidding and ways of coping with it, the basics of defensive driving, etc. It also included first aid training directly on board the bus, where drivers learned, among other things, to extricate a passenger and provide first aid. In the afternoon, the drivers tried out for themselves as part of practical training individual driving in created conditions to verify vehicle behavior and driving skills for coping with risky situations, popularly referred to as "skid school". The safety of our drivers and passengers is our most important priority and we are therefore very pleased that we have managed to provide this training, which we plan to continue in the coming years. Trying and mastering crisis situations and driving techniques significantly contributes to safer movement of drivers on roads in the difficult conditions of today's increasingly demanding Hradec city traffic.
Project implementer
Dopravní podnik města Hradce Králové, a.s.
ID: 252 67 213
Contact: Marcel Kocman,, tel.: 495 089 230